
Manchester Metropolitan University

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4 (133 ratings)

Everything you need to know about Manchester Metropolitan University

University Ranking

Out of 130 other universities in the United Kingdom, Manchester Metropolitan University is ranked #54 by The Complete University Guide - University Ranking 2021. According to The Complete University Guide, this university is ranked according to a number of criteria, including entry standards of 128/208, student satisfaction ratings of 4.04/5, research quality ratings of 2.74/4, research intensity ratings of 0.24/1, degree completion rates of 85% and graduate outcomes of 64.1%, for a total score of 608/1000. Therefore, a total score of 61% indicates that Manchester Metropolitan University has a rank that is above average. From The Guardian Manchester Metropolitan University has experienced varying success in national university rankings over time. The position was #60 in 2017, #76 in 2018, and #73 in 2019, a drop of 3 points. In 2017, the rank was #60. Rank for 2020 increased by 6 points, and in 2021 it finally stabilised at #70, dropping by 9 points from 2020.


Since 2017, Manchester Metropolitan University's position in the THE - University Rankings has varied between 601 and 800. The average scores in each of the pillars according to THE's ranking criteria are shown for this university. Manchester Metropolitan University receives a score of 67.5 for its global outlook, 54.8 for its number of citations, 33.8 for its industrial outcome, and 19.2 for its teaching. Manchester Metropolitan University is not among the top 500 universities in the world, hence there is no overall ranking. The QS - World University Rank range for this university increased from 751-800 in 2020 to 801-1000 in 2021. In comparison to 2019 and 2020, US News & World Report's rating of the world's universities has decreased, falling to #877 from #931. The ranks have changed significantly during the last three years.

Ranked By20182019202020212022
ARWU (Shanghai Ranking) - Universities RankingsNA801-900NA801-900NA
QS - World University Ranking801-1000801-1000751-800801-1000801-1000
THE (Times Higher Education) - University Ranking601-800601-800601-800601-800601-800
The Complete University Guide - University Ranking (UK)6257565456
The Guardian - University Rankings7673797062
US News & World Report - Global Universities934931931877840



Course Ranking

Man Met is a well-known provider of over 300 courses, including UG, PG, and research-level courses in Accounting & Finance, Engineering, Computer Science, and Humanities & Arts. The PG Business & Economics courses at Man Met are ranked by THE in the range of 301-400 in 2021, up from 251-300 in 2020. Accounting & Finance is ranked #61 in the Complete University Guide, and Business & Management Studies is ranked #66. Accounting and finance courses are ranked 72nd by The Guardian, while business, management, and marketing courses are ranked 90th.

The THE rates Manchester Metropolitan University in the range of 251-300 for PG Engineering and Technology degrees in 2021. While Mechanical Engineering is ranked #56 in 2021 by The Complete University Guide, Electronic & Electrical Engineering is ranked #57. Electronic and Electrical Engineering is ranked 48th in the Guardian's assessment of engineering programmes for 2021, while Mechanical Engineering is ranked 58th. THE ranks Man Met's computer science courses between 301 and 400 as of 2020. Since 2020, Computer courses have consistently ranked at number 70 in The Complete University Guide.

Ranking for Business Courses
Ranked By20182019202020212022
QS - Masters in Business Analytics RankingsNANANA51-60101+
QS - Masters in Supply Chain Management RankingsNANANA4151+
THE (Times Higher Education) - PG Business and EconomicsNA301-400251-300301-400301-400
The Complete University Guide - Accounting & Finance Ranking5959646159
The Complete University Guide - Business & Management Studies (UK)6568696669
The Guardian - Accounting & Finance Rankings8480837268
The Guardian - Business, Management & Marketing8387859078
The Guardian - Guardian Economics Rankings4950566165


Ranking for Engineering Courses
Ranked By20182019202020212022
THE (Times Higher Education) - EngineeringNA401-500251-300251-300201-250
The Complete University Guide - Aeronautical & Aerospace Engineering41NANANANA
The Complete University Guide - Electrical & Electronic Engineering4154535753
The Complete University Guide - Mechanical Engineering Ranking4855535649
The Guardian - Electronic & Electrical Engineering436055487
The Guardian - Mechanical Engineering3563595852


Ranking for Computers Courses
Ranked By20182019202020212022
THE (Times Higher Education) - PG Computer ScienceNANA301-400301-400201-250
The Complete University Guide - Computer Science7380707068


Ranking for Science Courses
Ranked By20182019202020212022
THE (Times Higher Education) - Life Sciences Rankings401-500401-500401-500401-500301-400
THE (Times Higher Education) - THE - Psychology RankingsNA401-500301-400401-500401-500
The Complete University Guide - Biological Sciences Rankings6974646573
The Complete University Guide - Psychology Rankings6048676365


Ranking for Humanities Courses
Ranked By20182019202020212022
ARWU (Shanghai Ranking) - Shanghai Political Sciences RankingsNANANA301-400NA
QS - QS - Art & Design Rankings101-150151-200151-200201-220NA
QS - QS - Sociology RankingsNANA251-300251-300NA
THE (Times Higher Education) - Arts & Humanities RankingsNA301-400301-400301-400401-500
The Complete University Guide - Art & Design Rankings13127728
The Complete University Guide - Communication & Media Studies Rankings5648514465
The Complete University Guide - Sociology Rankings5654584853
The Guardian - Guardian Art Rankings1724223533
The Guardian - Guardian Journalism, Publishing and PR Rankings1826293750
The Guardian - Guardian Media & Film Studies Rankings6245384349
The Guardian - Guardian Politics Rankings7476763652
The Guardian - Guardian Sociology Rankings5951703136


Ranking for Medicine Courses
Ranked By20182019202020212022
THE (Times Higher Education) - Clinical and Health Rankings401-500401-500401-500501-600601+
The Complete University Guide - Nursing Rankings1420201531


Ranking for Law Courses
Ranked By20182019202020212022
ARWU (Shanghai Ranking) - Shanghai Law RankingNANANA201-300NA
The Complete University Guide - Law Rankings4641485454
The Guardian - Guardian Law Rankings6741758476



US News


Times Higher Education


QS Rankings


US News


Times Higher Education


























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Fees: Fees depends on which course you choose.

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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Manchester Metropolitan University
Where is Manchester Metropolitan University located?

Manchester Metropolitan University is located in Manchester, UK

How much does it cost to study in Manchester Metropolitan University?

The average first year cost to study in Manchester Metropolitan University is INR 2113320

What is the acceptance rate for Manchester Metropolitan University?

Manchester Metropolitan University has an acceptance rate of 12.5%

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