
Rivier University

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4 (166 ratings)

Everything you need to know about Rivier University



I have attended this university for one years now. It is a very good college and I like it. The professors are great and the college environment is really peaceful. There are no bad or negative elements to be found here at Rivier University, so if you are looking for a good college then look no further than this one!



I have been going to Rivier University. It is a great place to study because it provides you with an environment that is stress-free and friendly. The university has many opportunities, including internships and placements, which are very helpful in securing your future job. The school also offers various support services, such as tutoring centres, health clinics and counselling services. This university really helps me get ready for my future career by offering so many resources that will help me grow personally and professionally while on campus at Rivier University



I am very satisfied with my decision to go to Rivier University. I have been attending this university for the past one years and it has truly been a great experience for me. The classes are easy, fun, and engaging which makes learning enjoyable. My professors are extremely knowledgeable about their subject areas which helps you learn more quickly than if you were in a classroom without any knowledge of the subject area at all. This university is set up so that students don't feel like they're just sitting in class being taught by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about or what they're teaching them because there's always an expert teacher on hand to help out with any questions that may arise regarding your coursework/exam preparation materials/final


























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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Rivier University
What is Rivier University famous for?

The university is famous for its dynamic courses in nursing sciences, criminal justice, biology, biotechnology, engineering, etc.

How to enrol in courses at Rivier University?

An aspirant needs to visit the university’s official website to find out about the relevant application dates for their preferred course. Then, after filling out the application form online, one needs to submit all documents, which get verified within five working days. After this, the candidate needs to pay the required application fee.

How to change course at Rivier University?

To drop or withdraw or change from a course, undergraduate students can contact their academic advisor. Most courses can be dropped from or changed using the MyRiv student interface for professional studies, graduate, and doctoral students. A student can select ‘Register for Classes’ from the ‘Administrative Services’ menu. They need to contact the office of the registrar at asktheregistrar@rivier.edu once the add/drop period has ended.

Is Rivier University suitable for international students?

Yes. It is one of the best universities for international students, especially Indians. The on-campus accommodation provides a homely atmosphere to international students. The teaching and non-teaching staff are very approachable and cooperative.

What are the deadlines for an application to Rivier University?

Even though the institute's original Summer term deadline is in October, applications will be accepted until January 2023. Their Spring semester begins in March.

What is the minimum GPA requirement to get into Rivier University?

For seeking admission to Rivier University, you should have a cumulative GPA of or equivalent to 4.75. However, some subjects require a GPA of 7 and above and have additional requirements.

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