
SAT Exam dates

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SAT is a standardized test taken by International students seeking admission to universities in popular destinations like Australia, Canada, the USA, and the UK. In India, the SAT exam is conducted in March, May, June, August, October, November and December. 

With the latest changes introduced by the College Board in March 2023, international students can also give the SAT exam seven times a year, which earlier used to be five.SAT is conducted about seven times a year.

SAT is typically offered seven Saturdays per year. For those students who cannot test on Saturdays because of religious observance, Sunday administrations are typically offered the Sunday after each Saturday administration. And in order to appear for the exam, you must register for the SAT and choose the desired dates based on availability. 


SAT Exam Dates in India 2023

You need to choose the correct dates that help you get appropriate time for SAT prep. You should complete their online registration according to the listed deadlines.

You can expect to receive their SAT results within a couple of days. 

The registration dates for the SAT exam in India are usually open several months before each test date. The exact dates may vary year to year, so checking the official College Board website for the most up-to-date information is recommended. Registering early for the test date is essential to ensure you can take the test on your preferred date.

 Registering early is recommended to ensure you can take the test on your preferred date. To find out the exact registration dates for the SAT exam in India, students should check the College Board website for the most up-to-date information.

Here is the detailed list of SAT Dates for 2023:


SAT Digital Test Date 2023 

Registration Deadline 

August 26, 2023July 28, 2023
October 7, 2023September 8, 2023
November 4, 2023October 6, 2023
December 2, 2023November 3, 2023


Frequently Asked Questions


Q. When are the SAT dates typically scheduled?

A. The College Board administers the SAT and schedules yearly test dates. In a typical year, there are seven SAT dates: one in January, one in March or April, one in May, one in June, one in August, one in October, and one in December. It's important to note that exact dates can vary slightly yearly.

Q. How can I determine the specific SAT dates for the year?

A. The College Board releases the SAT dates for the entire year well in advance. You can find this information on their official website. They also provide registration deadlines for each test date, which is crucial to keep in mind to avoid late fees.

Q. What if I miss the registration deadline for a specific test date?

A. If you miss the regular registration deadline, you can still register during the late registration period, which usually comes with an additional fee. Remember that not all test centres may be available during the late registration period. So, it's best to register on time to ensure you get a spot at your preferred testing location.

SAT Digital Exam Dates 2023


Digital SAT Exam is an alternative format to the traditional paper-based SAT. It is designed to be taken on a computer rather than paper and pencil. The digital SAT's content, structure, and scoring are expected to remain similar to the paper-based version.

With the introduction of SAT Digital for international students, the SAT exam has become shorter, and SAT results are released within a week or two. The next Digital SAT exam is scheduled to be conducted in August. The August SAT date is 26 August 2023, and the final application deadline is 11 August 2023.


SAT Digital Test Dates 2023

June 3, 2023   

August 26, 2023


Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Is Digital SAT going to be easier?

A. The content on the digital SAT is not designed to be easier or more demanding than the pencil and paper exam. However, it's possible that the change to a digital format might create challenges for some test takers.

Q. Can digital SAT be taken at home?

A. Exams still need to be taken in a testing centre, and students cannot take the exam at home. There will be a proctor to administer the test at the exam centre. Students taking the SAT Suite will continue to connect to scholarships and the College Board National Recognition Programs.

Q. Will universities accept digital SAT?

A. Digital SAT scores can be sent to colleges and scholarship programs. These institutions will use these scores the same way they use current SAT scores. The College Board administers the SAT and has stated that it is committed to ensuring that the digital test is a valid and reliable measure of college readiness, just like the traditional test.

Tips for Selecting SAT Test Dates


Choosing a suitable SAT exam date in 2023 requires careful consideration of your schedule, preparation level, and other commitments. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:

1. Assess Your Preparation Level: Before selecting a date, evaluate your current level of preparation. Have you completed the necessary coursework and practice tests? Choose a date that allows you enough time to prepare adequately.

2. Set Clear Goals: Determine the score you aim for and how much time you realistically need to achieve it. If you're aiming for a higher score, you might need more time for preparation.

3. Consider School Deadlines: If you plan to submit your SAT scores to colleges or universities, check their application deadlines. Choose a date that aligns with these deadlines, giving you enough time to receive your scores and complete your applications.

4. Personal Schedule: Consider your personal commitments, such as school events, holidays, and other activities. Avoid exam dates that coincide with important events to ensure you're not stressed or distracted on test day.

5. Study Schedule: Plan your study schedule before the exam date. Ensure you have enough time to review and practice effectively. Avoid cramming in too much content right before the exam.


6. Multiple Attempts: Remember that you can take the SAT multiple times. If your schedule allows, consider registering for more than one test date to give yourself options and an opportunity to improve your score.

7. Registration Deadlines: Be aware of registration deadlines for each test date. Register well in advance to secure your preferred date and avoid late fees.

The right SAT exam date ultimately depends on your preparation, goals, and circumstances. Take the time to weigh these factors and choose a date that sets you up for success.

Frequently asked questions
Q. What is the refund and cancellation policy for SAT Exam 2023?

According to the cancellation and rescheduling rules of the College Board, you must cancel or reschedule your registration at least five days before the SAT date. If applicants try to cancel their registration after that, they will not get a refund. For rescheduling, you require an additional fee of $29.

Q. How often are SAT exams offered in 2023?

SAT exams are generally offered multiple times throughout the year to provide flexibility for students. Historically, the College Board has conducted exams around seven times a year. However, the exact number of offerings can vary by year, and it's recommended to check the College Board's official website for the most up-to-date information on exam frequency in 2023.

Q. Are all test dates available in all locations?

While the College Board aims to provide consistent availability across various locations, not all test dates might be available at every test centre. The availability of test dates can depend on factors like local demand, test centre capacity, and logistical considerations. When registering for an exam, you'll see the available test dates at your preferred test centre.

Q. When should I register for an SAT exam?

Registration for SAT exams typically opens several months before the actual test date. Registering as soon as possible after registration opens is advisable, as this allows you to secure your preferred test date and test centre. Early registration also ensures you avoid any late fees associated with registering during the late registration period.

Q. What if I miss the registration deadline?

If you miss the regular registration deadline, the College Board often provides a late registration period beyond the regular deadline. However, registering during the late period usually incurs an additional late fee. Late registration is subject to availability, and there might be a limit on the number of late registrants a test centre can accommodate.

Q. Can I change my test date after registering?

Yes, you can change your test date after registering, but it's important to note that changing it might come with a fee. Additionally, the ability to change your test date depends on the availability of slots at the desired test centre and on the specific test date you wish to switch to. It's advisable to make any changes well in advance to secure your preferred date.

Q. How do I find a test centre near me?

To find a test centre near you, you can use the College Board's official search tool on their website. This tool allows you to input your location and find nearby test centres, along with information about their availability and specific test dates.

Q. Is it advisable to take the SAT multiple times?

Many students take the SAT more than once to improve their scores. Colleges often consider your highest scores, so retaking the test can enhance your chances of achieving a better result. However, it's essential to strategise your test-taking attempts, allowing sufficient time between tests for focused preparation and improvement.

Q. What happens if I register for a test but can't attend?

If you register for a test but find that you can't participate due to unforeseen circumstances, the College Board typically provides options for changing your test date or requesting a refund. However, these options might be subject to specific deadlines and guidelines. It is recommended to review the College Board's policies and contact their customer service for guidance in such situations.

Q. Can I get accommodations for the SAT due to a disability?

Yes the accommodations are available for students with documented disabilities to ensure a fair testing environment. The process involves submitting a request for accommodations to the College Board along with appropriate documentation of your disability. The College Board's Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office reviews these requests and provides approved accommodations for eligible students.

Q. Is the SAT offered internationally?

Yes, the SAT is offered in various countries worldwide, allowing international students to take the exam. International test dates might differ from those in the United States due to time zone considerations and local holidays. The College Board's official website provides information about international test dates and locations.

Q. Are there special test dates for specific groups, like religious observances?

The College Board acknowledges that some students might be unable to take the SAT on Saturdays due to religious observances. They occasionally offer alternate test dates known as "Sunday administrations." These Sunday administrations are typically held the day after the regular Saturday test date and are intended to accommodate students who cannot test on Saturdays.